Sexuality Takes a U TurnSexuality Takes a U Turn


Sexuality Takes a U TurnIt seems funny when in life we feel we know or thoughts and feelings like the back of our hands. sometimes it feels as if your own sexual existence is played out from c***d birth. you are conditioned to be attracted to the opposite sex, conditioned to desire marriage, a family and a nice house in Florida after you retire. to me sexually should have been a opened book in my household growing up. my mom was all for being opened it was my dad that had hang ups about discussing sexuality openly. so my mom told me about sex for my dad thought the birds and the bees was good enough….more like confusing lol even tho I played sports I think because I was raised by my mom I always have had a feminine side to me more then most guys. What I mean by this is at f******n I dressed up as a women for Halloween most guys would do it as a joke, but I actually liked it it felt comforting. little did I realize why,first I thought Escort maybe I was I was leaning towards being gay.but that did not make any sense for I was still sexually attracted to women. so I made the bad decisions of putting this issue on hold until now at the age of 33….not such a good idea lol I realize these days I do not want to be a woman just like women’s panties and certain clothes and wigs.this also brings up another issue that was unresolved form my early twenties and that was my attraction to transsexuals. instead of exploring why I have felt these thoughts feelings I harbored them. I hid my feelings not only from my family but also my friends. I became the closet cross dresser who was also attracted to transsexuals keeping it under lock and key in my mind. it was the only place where I could find comfort with it. now let me state after sometime I did not feel weird about how I felt just who the hell would except Escort Bayan it. I was a person who gave in to pure pressure all the time back then. since I was too stubborn to be me completely honest eventually it ruined my relationships with people I dated. because I wanted to wear women’s panties and wigs lip stick make up the whole deal. I wanted to also dress to dress up during sex.I convinced one girl to role play and we switched gender roles she actually was really turned on by it.I was as well and had no idea I had such a strong feminine side to me.the problem was most of them were only into missionary sex and nothing more bringing up the fact I want to wear women’s clothes would make them freak out ! except for the one woman I mentioned above who enjoyed it.but I only expressed how I felt to that one women she digged the sex role reversal but not the idea of me wearing women’s clothes. she started calling Bayan Escort me gay for that which I thought was messed up since she had no problem playing a male dominating role over me who was play a women in bed. who really has the hang up ? why with all the label’s right ? it is a human condition to relate people with the labels they hold if they do not have labels attached to them most people are uncomfortable around non label people. which i have yet to find any with no labels but I am sure they are out there. anyways I thought being single would end up being the best idea since i not only have a strong desire to wear women’s clothes but also a sexual attraction to transsexuals besides what society would classify as women. I think I rambled on long enough I hope who ever reads this can understand what I am trying to say.It is just a little insight. and if you can give me some input on what I shared with you or you have had similar situations or thoughts please share them with me.P.S. If I have offended anyone by any misuse of words relating to anything in general I apologize to you I am new to the community and am unfamiliar with all the terms used for certain sexes.

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