

Passionate encounter, two bodies as oneSlowly builds heat, a campaign ignitesFrom tidy white sheets to two fallen bodiesErratic hearts beat inside two opponentsThey both look intensely, try to guessWhat next moves each other might makeStrategic plans Sincan Escort and attacks to exposeThat will weaken vulnerable flanks, cause defeatThat would make escaping, retreating futileHard Etlik Escort laboring breaths, moans of pleasureWhen his prominent sword slowly thrustsA call-out in pain, she urgently cries for helpHis Çankaya Escort breathing is rapid and shallowHe makes a direct hit and explodesShe lowers her defenses to succumbAfter giving it all in massive eruptionsLeaking and flooding the crumpled white sheetsSlamming burning bodies, both wins, and defeatsFirey hot fluids slowly drip on the bedWhere the battle was fought in white sheetsDrenched in sweat, both are weakened, disheveledBreathing hard in and out through their mouthsSlowly closing their eyes with a smile on their lipsAn exhausted and peaceful surrender to sleep

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