The Fifth ForceThe Fifth Force


Modern physics textbooks refer to four fundamental forces – the strong and weak nuclear forces, the electromagnetic force, and gravity. It is surmised that these forces are all related in a fundamental way. The scientific equivalent of the Holy Grail is to find the set of equations which will combine all of these forces into one Unified Field Theory. However, it is a little-published (but well known to all men, and most women) scientific fact that there is actually a Fifth Fundamental Force, known as the Mammarial Force. This is the force which irresistibly draws men’s gaze to the region centered below the neck and above the waist of women above the age of sixteen and below the age of….. well, there apparently is no demonstrated upper limit. The discovery of this fifth force closely parallels the development of modern scientific theory, beginning Ataşehir Escort from the mid-17 th Century and continuing into the 21 st Century. It has been suggested that Sir Isaac Newton first considered the possibility of its existence. The “apple legend” which is often repeated as part of the story of his development of his theory of gravitation is clearly a myth promulgated by later hagiographers. However, his notes refer obliquely to the effects of gravitation on the chest belonging to a certain Mrs. Mortimer, who apparently went to market every Tuesday. While his efforts focused on defining the equations describing the gravitational effects on said tits (to use the technical vernacular in vogue during that period), including ground-breaking work on pendulums, the visual attraction itself is clearly documented Ataşehir Escort Bayan in his notes. However, Sir Isaac apparently did not yet identify this attraction as a unique and separate force. It remained for Michael Faraday to establish the ground-breaking field equations which brought this force into the forefront of scientific (and prurient) knowledge. He is of course well known for his development of the equations describing electromagnetic fields. However, it was during the course of his scientific experimentations that a Miss Hermione Graetz happened to enter his laboratory in order to deliver a note to the good scientist. Her lab coat was astray, and Sir Faraday found his gaze instantly and irrevocably riveted on her bosom (as scientists were wont to refer to that region of the female anatomy Escort Ataşehir in the late 19 th Century). Hermione – being the chaste virginal maiden that she was – immediately smirked at this latest demonstration of female superiority over men, and then pulled her lab coat shut, feigning indifference. She muttered some pleasantry about the weather and made her exit. Faraday regained control over his eyeballs as soon as Miss Graetz closed her coat. However, for the remainder of that day and on numerous subsequent occasions, his assistants found him scribbling furiously in his notebook. For the rest of his life, he devoted considerable effort towards defining the phenomenon which he had experienced. However, he found that the Mammarial Field (a term which he coined) was considerably less easy to decipher (as compared, say, with electromagnetism). He performed considerable laboratory experimentation – mostly late-night – with various subjects. He was unable to establish any correlation between the strength of the field and the size of the breast, its shape, or its consistency (though he performed considerable investigations regarding the latter).

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