Maid in KievMaid in Kiev


A “maid,” is someone that Webster defines as, 1: a young virgin woman or 2: a woman employed to serve and wait on you. Nina is not the girl in number one. That leaves Nina to serve me and wait on me. Only I’m not talking about housework. Nina is my mistress, concubine, or courtesan, whichever your sensibilities can tolerate, but my friends and family only need to know that she is my maid.Nina has been my maid soon after she graduated from high school. Although a bright young woman who grew up in the Ukraine, Nina had no interest in college. Instead, she dreamed of coming to America. Getting money for passage was the first of her troubles. Finding a job was another. Nina began looking for employment near her home in Kyiv, yet jobs were scarce. More on that later.Nina is a beautiful blonde with a shapely body and the captivating smile of Kate Middleton. Her Eastern accent is compelling and more than that, sexy. My wife liked her too, so we hired her only weeks after she arrived in the United States.Nina was hired as a live-in domestic helping my wife with housekeeping, shopping, driving our tweens to school, and preparing dinner. As her English improved, we were able to communicate on a more personal level. So did her attention to my needs.But first, a few unexpected events intervened to move us in a more lascivious direction.Nina has a beautiful voice and sings lots of songs but because they are in her native tongue, I don’t understand the lyrics. There was one song I heard her sing that I recognized. Ümraniye Escort I thought I knew the words but again, the Ukrainian lyrics mystified me. One day I asked her if she could sing it in English. She blushed and began singing with that delightful Eastern accent.What I heard was not the genial folk song we sang in college. The version I heard from her delicate voice was the tune of Barnacle Bill the Sailor but not the lyrics I remembered. She sang a bawdy vulgar version with salacious suggestions of what Bill planned to do with a young maiden. I wondered where she had learned the lusty lyrics that would be more common in a tavern sung by drunken sailors, not from the sweet lips of a girl.We both laughed when she finished knowing that our relationship would never be the same again.After hearing Nina sing the untranslated version, my wife said, “Isn’t it cute that Nina is singing a sailor’s song and her voice is so lovely.”“Yes dear,” I answered, “she has a lovely voice.” Apparently, my wife didn’t understand Ukrainian any better than I did.After the song incident, I told Nina a joke to gauge her reaction and move our relationship forward.”Give it to me! Give it to me!” she yelled. “I’m so wet, give it to me now!” She could scream all she wanted, but I was keeping the umbrella.I had to explain it before she giggled. Nina was not offended and in fact, delighted. She followed with one of her own.A naked man broke into a church. The police chased him around Ümraniye Escort Bayan and finally caught him by the organ.She didn’t need to explain.As time went on, our jokes became raunchy, and I obsessed over Nina’s youthful body. She rarely wore a bra, so her erect nipples were always on display highlighting a pair of gorgeous breasts leaving me with a frantic desire.But there is something I should also mention about my wife. She’s bi. I knew this when we got married. I never minded her infatuation with other women because occasionally I was invited to join them for a threesome. We’ve been married for eleven years now and that has grown old. Like many married couples, we have drawn apart.This having been said, it is easy to understand how another incident pulled me closer to Nina. I had been away in Canada on a fishing trip. The weather turned nasty, and my fishing buddy and I decided to head home early.I was home just before midnight finding Nina and my wife together in bed with Nina’s head buried between my wife’s legs. Nina was humming the sailor song with my wife cooing and moaning, her eyes rolled back with pleasure. Neither noticed that I was watching.I went downstairs to our bar in the rec room, poured myself a stiff drink, then fell asleep on the couch wondering if Nina was a lez. I had to find out.The next morning my wife and I had a talk. “Dear,” I began, “I hope you and Nina had a pleasant evening together.”“I didn’t expect you home so early,” Escort Ümraniye she said defiantly.“The weather was bad. How long have you and Nina been on, ah, friendly terms?”“Since Nina moved in.”“That long, really?”“That long and she’s a great lover. Did you know what Nina did before coming to the United States?”“No, but I’m sure you want to tell me.”“Well, this is what she told me. There were no jobs in the Ukraine for young girls with no experience. Her dad had died, and Nina’s mom was a whore in Kyiv. It was the only way to put food on the table. After high school, Nina’s mom took her to the brothel and introduced her to the man who was in charge. The man was an old family friend who knew Nina since she was born. I guess Nina trusted him.“Anyway, the man wanted to find out if Nina was suitable for the job. Nina performed everything the man requested. She was hired and started working the next day. A few months later, she had saved enough money to get to the United States.”“Did you know this before we hired her?”“Of course. That’s why I said we needed a maid.”“Look honey, the next time you and Nina are together, ask me to join you.”“I’d like that my dear. We haven’t had a threesome since you were with Amber and me.”“Why didn’t you tell me about Nina earlier?”“Don’t be silly dear. I wanted her all to myself.”A few days after that conversation with my wife, I told Nina this joke,Two women go on holiday in the Caribbean. They meet an attractive black man and both women decide to have a threesome with him. Next morning during breakfast one of the women asks the man his name. He replies, “My name is Snow”. The other woman starts laughing. Confused, Snow asks, “What’s so funny?” which the woman replies, “There is no fucking way our husbands are going to believe we had ten inches of snow in the Caribbean!”

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