Dommy Mommies and Chastity Belts!Dommy Mommies and Chastity Belts!


      Dommy Mommies and Chastity Belts!              TJ Ryder         The 15th Annual DommyMommy Ball!    Briarcliff Academy     Jan 15  7 PM*************************************   Terrence/Terri P stood in the foyer of thefamous and also notorious feminization school for select young males and stared at the announcement onthe bulletin board.   “That figures!” he half smiled.  Going back upto his room since classes were over for the day hesaw his upperclass roommate doing some sewing wearingonly panties over his chastity belt.   “Okay Dorian, I guess you weren’t just pulling mychain about the DommyMommy Ball!”     Dorian looked up with amusement,  “Is it postedalready?  Well, of course I did warn you!”  “Ah well, ” Terri slipped his feminine sleeveless topoff and sat on his bunk delicately because his blue swollenballs from two weeks of enforced chastity made it risky.  Once he sat and pinched a testicle.   “I suppose the good news is we can take these damnthings off!”   “Whatever gave you that idea, dear boy?”   “Well, come on, I mean we can’t possibly esat escort bayan go meet womenlike this!”   “Why did you think they put us in chastity, silly boy?”   “Um, well, not for this dance, are you serious?”   “Always the fast learner aren’t we?  Of course, it’s calledthe DommyMommy after all.  They want to see nice prime teen bloated blue balls!”   “Oh brother, well, I better let my skirt out a littlein front or I’m going to show a bulge.  Maybe add a few pleats!”   “Oh, don’t bother about that for this dance.  We will getassigned uniforms just before the dance begins, and right afterthe mistresses unlock the chastity belts!”    “Hmmm, well, that takes care of that!  Any idea what theyare?”   “Mmmmm, maybe a few square inches of the sheerest fabric theycan find.  Something like a speedo bathing suit but much moreflimsy and revealing!”   Terri gasped, “B-but, I mean without getting off after theytake the belts off, I mean, I’ll look… well!”   “Yes, the women will be fully clothed of course, many wearingleather or bikinis, Escort etimesgut but it is intended for the boys to look likewalking genitalia.  We may also have our hands cuffed in backand most likely dog collars and leashes!”   “B-but, its a dance!  How do I dance with a woman like that?”   “It’s a cattle inspection for sissyboys, not really a dance!But if its like last year it will be equally divided between male choice and ladies choice!”    Terry laid back on his bunk, “I can’t believe it! I supposethe women will all be there!”   “Doubtless, perhaps some youv’e already gone out with from previous dances, and they are interested in our progressespecially for you first year sissies!”   “And, I suppose, after the dance the chastity belts goback on!”   “That will be up to the women, or more specifically, the womanyou choose, or pretend to yourself that you actually choose!”   “Oh, I see, it’s like a pairing off thing?  Does that mean therewill be enough women, dommy mommies, to go around?”   “Maybe more, maybe etlik escort less!” The goal for this dance for youfirst termers is to get settled with one dommy mommy for thesecond semester!”   “Hmmmm, but, how do I choose?”    Dorian looked up with a amused smirk.  “Let your balls do thewalking, sissy!” Terri snorted and picked up a magazine.  Hisroommate could be just insufferable at times!**********************************************************   Later in the week Terri had the chance to go over the possibilitiesfor a new relationship.  He had been in some temporary ones andtalking to other ‘bois’ he realized he was ready for a more longterm one, but the whole format for this dance was more humiliatingthan he even first thought.   He needed to talk to someone who waskind of on the outside looking in, and what better person thana boy who arrived already a feminine slaveboy.   “Peter!” he called out as the slim young blonde walked throughthe quadrangle on campus in a cute pink microdress.   “Terri?”   “Peter can I talk to you about this coming dance?  I mean youare going?”   “Well Of course, it is mandatory!”   “Yes, silly me.  Okay, well, I hadn’t noticed lately but are youstill going out with your mother?”   Peter smiled and lowered his voice.  “Well, you know the wholeidea of sending me off to Briarcliff was to wean me off mother,and vice versa.

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